SportsArt Blog

Be the Change You Want to See

Posted by Dan Lier on 5/28/15 9:49 PM



Today’s success track is on focused on creating a balance in regards to investing in your outer self and your inner self.

Last month was an incredible month for me, which typically means a lot of travel. I don’t enjoy the actual travel itself, yet I always meet interesting people and learn a few things along the way.

On a flight back from PHX, I was sitting beside two young businessmen who were evidently into brand name designers, as they were talking about their shoes, belts and business suits and how they had the “tightest” wardrobes in their office. They were both on the same page on the clothing talk, yet one of them was talking about his skin treatments and hair color. I found the conversation very entertaining. Now first of all, I’m not judging, as I understand the importance of your brand and how you present yourself, and I too have always had an appreciation of fine clothing. It did cause me to be curious about was how much these two young guys were investing in their inner self.

All of us spend some time each and every day on what I call our outer selves… you know the clothes, our grooming… just the time it takes to get prepared in the morning. But what about our inner selves? I’m referring to our psychology – Our feeling of calmness, balance or peacefulness. Not too long ago, I didn’t pay too much thought to words such as calmness or peacefulness, yet as I’ve matured, I’ve realized my ability to remain peaceful, calm and balanced has helped me handle situations more effectively and grow my business.

As I’ve connected with successful people, I’ve found the ones who possess a sense of peacefulness and calmness, seem to enjoy life a bit more, and quite frankly, are more enjoyable to be around. We’ve all met that person who has an upset during the day and as a result they become uptight and treat people harshly. Unfortunately, that specific behavior doesn’t solve the original problem, nor does it inspire others to want to help you.

One of the beliefs I’ve adopted from working with my coach is the belief that “life is not fair, yet it’s balanced.” Life is not fair, but it’s balanced, which I interpret as things happen, both good and bad, and they always balance out in the end. Losing a business deal is never enjoyable, yet knowing another one, and possibly a better one is right around the corner gives me a sense of calmness. It helps me to move on and continue with productive activity rather than staying in the storm. So I encourage you to invest into areas where you haven’t explored previously, such as mediation, yoga, visualization or even mantras… the point being, in order to maximize our true potential, we must develop our inner self along with the work we put into our outer self.

Make this a productive month by investing in your inner self and being the best you can be. And remember, this is your year to Rise Above. 

This article was originally published on May 11th, 2015 by Dan Lier on

Topics: Leadership