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Take Control of Your Results

Posted by Dan Lier on 3/2/15 11:37 PM

Today’s success track is about increasing your effectiveness and your productivity by taking control – Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Dan Lier

A good friend of mine recently asked me to take a look at aper


sonal development website. The website delivers short, 3-minute video messages everyday in areas of self-improvement – Happiness, Relationships, Goal-Setting, Achievement and the like. The investment was $9.99 per month or $99 per year. He wanted my opinion on if I thought the site would be successful.

Unfortunately my experience indicates that people consistently make the decision to spend money on things other than investing in themselves… you know, entertainment. Whether it is concerts, sporting events, movies or dinner and drinks, people prefer entertainment over personal investment. I was at a business lunch a short while ago and one of the parties at the table was complaining about his relationship and his career. Now, we all go through challenging times, so no disrespect intended, yet it caused me to be think about a few of the building blocks of success I’ve learned over the years.

All people want to be in control of their lives.

First, is the law of cause and effect, which is based on the Socratic Law of Causality. The Law of Cause & Effect states absolutely everything happens for a reason. All actions and inactions have consequences and produce specific results.

The law also can be applied in the physical sense with Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion, which says for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example, if you were to hold your hand over a candle’s flame, (the cause) the effect would be that your hand would burn and it would hurt! Similarly if a person were to spend all his or her time vacationing, their business would suffer. Or, if people don’t improve their ability to communicate, their relationships become stagnant.

If you are familiar with Jim Rohn, you’ve heard him talk about the law of sowing and reaping, which in a metaphorical sense means that we have to invest time, energy and resources in order to reap the rewards.

Do you want to make more sales? Well we have two choices; make more sales presentations or make improvements on our selling skills.

Do you want to be a better communicator? If so, we must invest the time into learning various personality styles and how to communicate with those types.

My message here is simple – all of us can take more control of our lives by making choices on how and where to invest our time, our energy and our resources.

You can listen to music in the car, or you can listen to something that will improve you as a person. If you’re in sales, you can attend a sales event to improve your sales and closing skills, or you can go to the beach.

Again, there is no right and no wrong, there’s just a consequence for each action. So take control of your results by investing your time, energy and resources into the areas you want to see a return.

This is your year to Rise Above

This article was originally posted on December 19th, 2014 by Dan Lier at

Topics: Leadership